I have developed EUR version. Please access link below.
I have updated this Excel macro tool. Please access link below.
Excel macro tool to get cryptocurrency market cap price data -Using Excel VBA
This tool can fetch cryptocurrency details once you click on the command button in the Sheet.
Remember to enable macros to Excel. Otherwise this Excel tool will not work.
・Operation procedure
Enter arbitrary cryptocurrency symble in cell, and click GO button. It is displayed in a few seconds to tens of seconds
Each data is displayed.
Notice: If the Excel tool freezes, please open task manager by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc and Forcibly terminate it.
In personal experience, macro stopped in Http.send of program. One day, It was fixed. I am not sure the reason, although I tried to repair it a lot.
Donate BTC: 1LcULwCQPjxLGXdpEJkhNkPpqCwG5csasU
Donate LTC: LSXEG7tjeCCGWuzvf5eFvJUZM6Xpvsdc4f