This Excel macro tool can display price information of coins registered in binance exchange on the excel sheet.
JSON format data is read with VBA using binance API.
Binance is the crypto currency exchange in China, about 90 coins are listed and handled.There is non-famous coins popularity vote, and there is a mechanism to list the top coins according to the voting result.
There is also hard fork coins support.
Recommended exchange here:
(Display current price with "lastPrice" and display other volumes, ask, bid, time etc. )
As I confirmed with binance site and the API, the price fluctuation rate seems to be compared with the current price 24 hours ago.
Operation method
Just press Go button.After pushing, it reads the data and updates the sheet.
・Display image
If you read data continuously in a short time, you will get an error due to HTTP communication too much. Please read it by pressing Go button after a certain interval.Please do not change sheet name. It will not operate properly.
123456 comes out in symble, but I can not understand what it is. I think that you can ignore it as it comes out.
Binance_TickerPrice24h_In_Excel_1.xlsm(in Google drive)Cryptocurrency Market Capitalizations version:
Updated free Excel tool for cryptocurrency price and market cap -Using Excel VBA
Donate BTC: 1LcULwCQPjxLGXdpEJkhNkPpqCwG5csasU
Donate LTC: LSXEG7tjeCCGWuzvf5eFvJUZM6Xpvsdc4f
Notice: If the Excel tool freezes, please open task manager by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc and Forcibly terminate it.
In personal experience, macro stopped in send method in program at http communication. One day, It was fixed unexpectedly. I am not sure the reason, although I tried to repair it a lot.
Information displayed from this Excel tool does not guarantee the contents accuracy, reliability.
We do not assume any responsibility for any damage suffered based on these information.
All decisions concerning investment / speculation should be made at the judgment of the user himself.
Recommended exchange here: