


Excel macro tool to get cryptocurrency market cap price data -Using Excel VBA

*I changed this article title at Mar. 30, 2018.

I have updated the Excel macro tool that displays data such as the price of the cryptocurrency and the market capitalization.
Data reference is Cryptocurrency Market Capitalizations.

This time update contents

・Cryptocurrency price and market capitalization can be converted into legal currency of countries around the world.
・Display  the entire cryptocurrency market capitalization and 24 hours volume
・Display bitcoin market share rate

Cryptocurrency price and market capitalization can be converted into legal currency of countries around the world.

You can choose which legal currency to convert from this time. You can choose from the currencies listed below.

・Fiat Currency List
AUD:Australian Dollar
BRL:Brazilian Real
CAD:Canadian Dollar
CHF:Swiss Franc
CLP:Chilean Peso
CNY:Yuan Renminbi
CZK:Czech Koruna
DKK:Danish Krone
GBP:Pound Sterling
HKD:Hong Kong Dollar
ILS:New Israeli Sheqel
INR:Indian Rupee
MXN:Peso mexicano
MYR:Malaysian Ringgit
NOK:Norwegian Krone
NZD:New Zealand Dollar
PHP:Philippine Peso
PKR:Pakistan Rupee
SEK:Swedish Krona
SGD:Singapore Dollar
TRY:Turkish Lira
TWD:New Taiwan Dollar
USD:US Dollar

Display  the entire cryptocurrency market capitalization and 24 hours volume

From this time it is possible to display the entire cryptocurrency market capitalization with the notation total_market_cap.
In addition, you can display  the entire cryptocurrency 24-hour volume with the notation total_24h_volume.

Display bitcoin market share rate

From this time it is possible to display bitcoin market share with the notation bitcoin_percentage_of_market_cap.


Data is read from Cryptocurrency Market Capitalizations using API and displayd it on Excel sheet.
Which fiat currency to convert can be chosen from 32 fiat currencies.
Price, market capitalization, the ranking, 24 hours volume, 1 hour, 24 hours, 7 day fluctuation rate, supply quantity, issued maximum quantity are displayed.

When you enter any crypto currency symbol (BTC, ETH, etc) in column A, only data of that symbol is displayed.

Operation method

First of all, enable editing. Activate macro.
Enter the symbol of the cryptocurrency in lower cell from the 6th row of column A. A symbol is a unit of currency. It is BTC for bit coin, ETH for Ethernet, XRP for ripple, LSK for risk.

After entering the symbol, select a fiat currency from E1 cell.

After selecting the legal currency, press GO button. It does not matter if letters or numbers are entered in columns other than column A. It takes several seconds to dozens of seconds to display.

When you press All Crypto button, you can see data for all coins with over 1,000 in Cryptocurrency Market Capitalizations.

Pressing Clear button erases the value of the cell below the second row. The symbol also disappears.

It is updated every time you press the GO button, All Crypto button. There is no function to automatically update at fixed intervals.

Notice: If the Excel tool freezes, please open task manager by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc and Forcibly terminate it.
In personal experience, macro stopped in send method in program at http communication. One day, It was fixed unexpectedly. I am not sure the reason, although I tried to repair it a lot.


 My_CryptocurrencyMarketCap_Data_List_2.xlsm in Google drive

Binance version:
Excel macro tool to get binance 24 hours ticker price -Excel VBA

Donate BTC: 1LcULwCQPjxLGXdpEJkhNkPpqCwG5csasU

Donate LTC: LSXEG7tjeCCGWuzvf5eFvJUZM6Xpvsdc4f

Apr. 9. 2018: Updated to not be able to change sheet name.

Information displayed from this Excel tool does not guarantee the contents accuracy, reliability.
We do not assume any responsibility for any damage suffered based on these information.
All decisions concerning investment / speculation should be made at the judgment of the user himself.